
Milo and Stella have joined the team

Romford BID are delighted to be working with Citihawk to deal with the issues of pigeons in Romford Town Centre!

We would like to introduce you to Milo and Stella who are new members of the team here at Romford BID. Along with their trainers, they are flying in the town 3 times a week to try and encourage the pigeons to take flight and find a new home.

Havering Street Cleansing team try to keep our streets clean weekly however this is getting harder with the amount of mess that the pigeons leave behind, not to mention some of the shops that have huge issues with them roosting above entrances and making everywhere look so dirty.

We are working with CitiHawk who are flying in a number of towns to combat the same issue. Milo and Stella are excited to join Romford BID in order to help keep the pigeons at bay, do come and say hello when you see them and their handler.

Alongside employing Milo and Stella, we are working with LB Havering enforcement team to encourage visitors to the town to not feed the pigeons. This has become such as issue particularly over the recent months and so along with new signage, those found feeding the pigeons will also be subject to enforcement and a fine.